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Our Mission

To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

2024-45 Executive Board

President - Erin Robinson (2024-2025)

Vice President - Jenny Pool (2024-2025), President Elect (2025-2026)

Treasurer - Katie Rogers (2024-2026)

Secretary - Karen Christensen (2023-2025)

2024-2025 Committee Chairs

8th Grade Continuation, Sacha Pfeifer, Brooke Garrett

Battle of the Books (4-6), Sandy Kaudedauty

Celebrations Committee and Classroom Liaison Coordinator, Jessica Boone

Chess Club

Display Case Coordinator, Katelyn Witles

Finance Committee, Katie Rogers


Auction Fundraiser, Brean Small, Samantha Flint

Sponsorship, Lee Elkins, Konnar McKinney

Stallion Stampede Fundraiser, Alanna Reynard, Sara Lynn


Fall Conference Meals, Allison Brungardt

Spring Conference Meals, Allison Brungardt

Staff Appreciation Week, Katie Kuchta,  Jamee Tinnirello 

Stock the Teachers' Lounges, Allison Brungardt 

Junior Great Books, Allison Brungardt

Legislation, Brenda Dickhoner

Math Club, Open

Membership, Liz Dowdell

Middle School Socials, Liz Sicotte

Picture Day, Open

Reflections, Open

Run Club, Lee Elkins, Dell Bjes

School Supply Kits, Kristen Weeks

Senior Breakfast, Jenifer Hamilton

Spirit Wear, Kristen Weeks

Talent Show, South, Alison Semler 

Talent Show, North, Sandy Kauyedauty

Vision and Hearing, Open

Walking and Wheeling Week, Lindsay Benhammou Opening for Co-Chair